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Privacy Policy

These are the words we live and do business by, without them we won't be able to deliver exceptional service!

Friends Travel Vietnam the Travel Company Turning Travellers Into Friends Since 2013

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Privacy Policy & GDPR of Friends Travel Vietnam

How our Privacy Policy Statement applies to you?
Friends Travel Vietnam is committed to protecting your privacy and take this very seriously. This privacy policy explains how we use any personal information we collect about you when you contact us about our services.

You do not have to provide your personal information to us, but if you do not provide certain information we may be limited to provide some products and services to you. Where you refuse to provide mandatory travel information or allow us to disclose it tour suppliers as required to fulfill your request our travel partners will not be able to transport you or fulfill your travel booking. This Privacy Policy forms part of your contract with us for the travel and/or those products or services provided.


How we collect information about you?
We collect information about you when you register with us or make an enquiry for our products and services. We also collect information when you voluntarily complete customer surveys, provide feedback and participate in competitions or join our online social media events. When you provide data on behalf of other members of your party you must obtain their consent, and by providing this information it is taken that consent has been obtained.


How will we use the information about you?
We collect information about you in order to process your holiday booking and to ensure your travel arrangements run smoothly and meet your requirements. This will require us to pass the information on to relevant suppliers of your travel arrangements such as tour operators, airlines, hotels and transport companies. Your data will also be used in the event of resolving a complaint. If you agree the data collected will also be used to contact, you for marketing purposes about other products and services we think may be of interest.

Agreeing to our privacy policy allows us to use your personal information so that we can offer you all of our products and services. We endeavor to take appropriate technical and organizational measures, along with physical security measures within the office, to prevent unauthorized or unlawful processing of personal data and accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data. Liphook Travel will not share your information for marketing purposes with companies outside our organization. In processing your holiday booking, we may be required to provide details to public authorities such as customs, border control and immigration, if required by them or as required by law.

We may send your details outside the European Economic Area (EEA) e.g. if your holiday is outside the EEA and the hotel/airline needs to be advised of your details. Due to the global nature of the infrastructure of the internet please be aware that controls on data protection outside the EEA may not be as strict as in country of residence.


What sensitive data may we hold?
Sensitive personal data includes data about an individual’s health and religion and other categories of personal data which are closely protected. We do not generally collect this information from you (or those you are booking for) but where we do we seek to minimize the collection and use of it. Health questions may be required to arrange airport assistance etc. or to ensure the suitability or food diet restrictions of a particular holiday, the information provided will only be used for this purpose. Where your religion or health status could be inferred from meal preferences this information will only be used to fulfil your meal request.
Sensitive Data may also be required when completing Visa Applications to gain entry for Vietnam. This information will be required to fulfil the contract and obtain the necessary visa.
When Sensitive Data is required you agree that you have voluntarily provided the information to us and that you consent (and those you are booking for consent) for us to use that information to provide you with these products and services and supply the information to our suppliers (for example airlines).
In each case, you specifically consent (on your behalf and on behalf of those you are booking for) that we can use and transfer the required data outside your local country to anywhere in the world you are travelling to fulfil the process that you have requested. We need a valid copy passport and visa copy upon your arrival traveling with us, this as this is required for the Vietnamese Law as overnight stays registrations, VAT & tourism department administration.


We operate CCTV in our office area. Video & sound recording is for security reasons only and data is destroyed after 6 months. The recording data would only be used where security has been compromised and photographic evidence will be of use. This photographic evidence will only be reviewed by employees of Friends Travel Vietnam and will only be shared on request with the security services under the Vietnamese LAW. 


We would like to send you information about our products and services which may be of interest to you. If you have consented to receive marketing, you may opt out at a later date. You have a right at any time to stop us from contacting you for marketing purpose. If you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes please unsubscribe when you receive an email.

How long do we retain data for?
We keep records for as long as required to manage bookings and provide the other relevant products or services anticipated by this Privacy Policy, including keeping you up to date with our marketing and where required to by law or for record purposes. Your personal data will be stored on out back office system TARSC for 7 years after your departure date and deleted on an annual basis after that. You can request for your data to be once it is no longer required for the booking process. Passport Information will be stored in our office safely. Your personal information will be treated with the utmost security.


By choosing to disclose your personal information to us on our website, by email, in person with a consultant or over the phone you consent to the collection, storage, processing and other use of your personal information by us in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy.


Our website
We own and operate & other websites where you can sign up to receive our marketing or promotions.
We may track cookies when you visit our website.

Access to your information and correction
You have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you. If you would like to receive a copy of some or all of the personal information, please email or write to us at the following address:


Other websites
Our website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to Friends Travel Limited Company so when you link to other websites you should read their own privacy policies. We don’t control websites which we do not operate and are not responsible for their contents or use of them. Inclusion of these links to such websites does not imply any endorsement of the material on such websites.


Changes to our private policy
We keep our privacy policy under regular review and updates will be available on our web page.


These Terms and Conditions of Use (Terms) apply to all Bookings & Gift Cards issued by Friends Travel Vietnam (Friends Travel Company Limited).

Your purchase, redemption or attempted redemption of a gift card constitutes your acceptance to be bound by these terms and conditions of use and agreement to the privacy policy.


Account means your subscription and account with Friends Travel Vietnam on the Websites or 3rd party websites.

Bookings means the tour, trip excursion, travel package, bus or train tickets or any travel service purchased or received.

Gift Card(s) means the gift card that you have purchased or received along with the accompanying Gift Card Code.

Gift Card Code means the accompanying redemption code for the Gift Card which is provided at the point of sale following the purchase of the Gift Card.

Remaining Gift Card Value means, at any time, that portion of the initial value of your Gift Card which is unspent and can be accessed as a credit on your Account in accordance with these Terms.

Website means

A reference to "we" or "us" is a reference to Friends Travel Company Limited.

A reference to "you" or "your" is a reference to the person who is in possession of the Gift Card at the relevant time for the purposes of these Terms, or who authorises another person to do something with or to the Gift Card on their behalf.

3rd Party means online platforms or website where Friends Travel Company Limited are advertised


1.1. Redemption

Except for the exclusions listed in paragraph 1.2 (Exclusions) below, the Gift Card has a US$ dollar value that can be used as currency towards purchases on the Website.


The following are the exclusions applicable to the redemption of your Gift Card:

a. The Gift Card is only redeemable to purchase featured packages on the Website up to the value stated.

b. Defaced, mutilated, altered, lost or stolen Gift Card Codes cannot be replaced, refunded or redeemed;

c. The Gift Card and the accompanying Gift Card Codes are not redeemable for cash.

d. The Gift Card and the accompanying Gift Card Codes will expire in 3 years from the date of issue.

e. Cash will not be given or credited for any unused amount.

f. Gift Cards cannot be used to purchase Gift Cards or other forms of payment. Further, Gift Cards cannot be purchased with Friends Travel Vietnam Credit.

g. Gift Cards cannot be used to purchase airfares, insurance or any other ancillary products or services not included in a featured package. 


3.1 You consent to Friends Travel Vietnam Using and/or Disclosing any Personal Information Collected from you for Direct Marketing purposes, whether Collected via telephone, the Website, or otherwise, but subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

3.2 Unless otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy and in accordance with the Privacy Act and the Spam Act, Friends Travel Vietnam retains the right to Use and Disclose your Personal Information for Direct Marketing purposes:

 (a) that has been Collected from you in circumstances where:

   (i) you have provided consent to do so; or

   (ii) it is within your Reasonable Expectations; or

   (iii) where it is impracticable to obtain your consent;

   (b) that has been Collected from any third party in circumstances where:

   (i) you have provided consent to do so; or

   (ii) it is impracticable to obtain your consent.

3.3 In each Direct Marketing communication, we will include a:

 (a) prominent statement appearing on the relevant piece of marketing material notifying you of your right to Opt Out from further Direct Marketing; and

 (b) simple means for you to Opt Out of receiving further Direct Marketing communications of that kind.

3.4 Should you Opt Out, we will stop Using and/or Disclosing your Personal Information for Direct Marketing purposes.

3.5 Friends Travel Vietnam will not Use your Sensitive Information for Direct Marketing purposes.


We take reasonable precautions to ensure that the Personal Information we Collect, Use and Disclose is complete, relevant and up-to-date.

However, the accuracy of that information depends to a large extent on the information you provide. That's why we recommend that you:

 (a) let us know if there are any errors in your Personal Information; and

 (b) keep us up-to-date with changes to your Personal Information such as your name or address. You may change your personal details by using the relevant facility on our Website or by contacting the Data Protection Officer as described in Point 12.


5.1 Friends Travel Vietnam will take reasonable steps to protect the Personal Information from misuse, interference, loss and unauthorized access or disclosure. This may include taking reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify Personal Information once it is no longer needed for any purpose for which it may be Used or Disclosed in accordance with Australian Privacy Principal 11.2, subject to the exceptions contained therein.

5.2 We requires employees and contractors to perform their duties in a manner that is consistent with Friends Travel Vietnam legal responsibilities in relation to privacy, including those in this Privacy Policy.

5.3 will take reasonable steps to ensure that Personal Information is only accessible by people who have a genuine "need to know" as well as "right to know."

5.4 We keep your Personal Information while your account is in existence or as needed to provide you with Primary and/or Secondary Purpose. This includes data you provide to us and data generated or inferred from your use of the Primary and/or Secondary Purpose.


6.1 We will permit its records containing your Personal Information to be accessed by you when required by the Privacy Act (or General Data Protection Regulation or other legislation / regulation as applicable). We may, however, refuse to provide you with access to your Personal Information if one or more of those matters contained in Australian Privacy Principle 12.3 - Access to Personal Information – applies, including but not limited to instances in which:
(a) we reasonably believe that giving you access to your Personal Information would pose a serious threat to the life or to the health and safety of any individual (including you);

 (b) giving access to the information would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of any other individual;

 (c) your request for access is frivolous or vexatious or giving such access will be unlawful

6.2 If Friends Travel Vietnam is satisfied that:

 (a) having regard to the purpose for which the information is held, the information is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete or irrelevant or misleading; or

 (b) you (as the person to whom the Personal Information relates) request that we correct the information;

we will take reasonable steps to correct our records containing your Personal Information as soon as practically possible in accordance with the Privacy Act.

6.3 If we have refused to grant you access to your Personal Information in accordance with Point 6.1 above, we will still take all reasonable steps to provide you with access to your Personal Information in a way that meets both your needs and our needs.

6.4 If you:

 (a) wish to lodge a request for access and/or a copy of your Personal Information;

 (b) wish to correct, edit or update some of your Personal Information in your account;

 (c) object to the use of or wish to limit the use of some of your Personal Information;

 (d) wish for us to delete some or all of your Personal Information (i.e. if it is no longer necessary to provide the Primary or Secondary Purpose); or

 (e) otherwise wish for us to withdraw your consent for us to store or your Personal Information for any reason;

you may do so by contacting Friends Travel Vietnam Data Protection Officer as per the details in in Point 12.

6.5 Where Friends Travel Vietnam offers online account management facilities, customers can use this capability to control aspects of their account, including amending or updating certain Personal Information.


7.1 Friends Travel Vietnam' Data Protection Officer will be the first point of contact for inquiries about privacy issues. If you wish to make an inquiry or complaint regarding privacy you should do so by contacting this office as per the details in Point 12.

7.2 You will find that Friends Travel Vietnam Website contains a prominently displayed privacy statement and will include a copy of this Privacy Policy.


8.1 Friends Travel Vietnam will not make it mandatory for visitors to its Website to provide Personal Information unless such Personal Information is required to answer an inquiry or provide a service. We may however request visitors to provide Personal Information voluntarily to us (for example, as part of a competition or questionnaire).

8.2 Friends Travel Vietnam will allow its customers to transact with it anonymously or by using a pseudonym wherever that is reasonable and practicable.


9.1 If we send Personal Information overseas, Friends Travel Vietnam will take steps which are both reasonable and practicable to ensure that the overseas recipient handles such information in accordance with the Privacy Act.

9.2 Friends Travel Vietnam may disclose Personal Information to an overseas recipient without complying with 9.1 if:

 (a) you are Expressly Informed of the intended disclosure of your Personal Information to the overseas recipient, and you provide consent accordingly; or

 (b) we reasonably believe that the overseas recipient is subject to a law or a binding scheme that has the effect of protecting the information in a way that, overall, is at least substantially similar to the way in which the Privacy Act seeks to protect same and you can access mechanisms to enforce the protection of your Personal Information under that law or that scheme; or 

 (c) the Disclosure is required or authorised by an Australian court or tribunal or under Australian law.


Friends Travel Vietnam may, in its sole discretion, update this Privacy Policy at any time and from time to time. Any changes will be effective when posted on the Website. Your continued use of the Website will indicate your acceptance of any changes to the Privacy Policy. All Personal Information, Collected both before and after any changes take effect, will be subject to the terms of the revised policy (for which you will be taken to have provided consent) unless you indicate otherwise by contacting Friends Travel Vietnam' Data Protection Officer as per the details in in Point 12. We urge you to refer back to this page regularly and especially prior to providing us with any Personal Information.


"Collect" means gather, acquire or obtain by a lawful and fair means, information in circumstances where the individual is identifiable or identified.

"Direct Marketing" involves the Use and/ or Disclosure of Personal Information to communicate directly with an individual to promote goods or services through written, verbal or electronic means of communication (including without limitation communication by phone, SMS and email). The goods or services which are marketed may be those of Friends Travel Vietnam or a Related Body Corporate or those of an independent third party organization.

"Disclosure" generally means the release of information outside Friends Travel Vietnam, including under a contract to carry out an "outsourced function."

"Express Consent Consequences" includes the fact that that we will not be accountable under the Privacy Act and you will not be able to seek redress under the Privacy Act in the event that you provide consent to the disclosure of your Personal Information by us to an overseas recipient and the overseas recipient handles your Personal information in breach of the Privacy Act.

"Expressly Informed" means the circumstance where we have provided you with a clear statement (either verbal or in writing) of the Express Consent Consequences.

"Opt Out" means an individual's expressed request not to receive further Direct Marketing communications.

"Personal Information" means information that is not Sensitive Information, including information or an opinion (whether information or an opinion forming part of a database), whether true or not and whether recorded in a material or data form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion. This includes, but is not limited to, an individual's name, address, telephone number and email address or any other information as set out in this policy.

"Primary Purpose" is the main reason for the Collection of any Personal Information as described in clause 2.1 of this policy.

"Reasonable Expectation" means a reasonable individual's expectation that their personal information might be Used or Disclosed for the relevant purpose.

"Related Body Corporate" is given its meaning in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

"Secondary Purpose" means a purpose of Use or Disclosure other than a Primary Purpose as described in clause 2.2 of this policy.

"Sensitive Information" is given its meaning in section 6(1) of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

"Use" means the handling of Personal Information within Friends Travel Vietnam.

"Website" means the website of and related webpages as well as any website and related webpages of any other website owned or operated by Friends Travel Vietnam.


If you have any questions about this privacy policy, any privacy related dealings with us or a possible breach of your privacy or would like further information about our information management practices, you can contact the Data Protection Officer of Friends Travel Vietnam, care of the following details:

Data Protection Officer Friends Travel Company Limited, 15 Ly Nam De street, Hanoi Vietnam.  Email: sidney@friendstravelvietnam

Effective 25 May 2020

Get in touch

If you have any concerns, you can contact our support team online or over the phone.

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