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Buses, subways, trams are all public transport that are already popular in many countries around the world. Although Vietnam currently has only buses in operation, urban railways in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are being rushed to be ready to serve the population. While waiting for the railway to be put into use, after all, the motorbike culture stems from thousands of back alleys that define Hanoi and Saigon.
Cars are a status symbol, and with a growing middle class, sales have been rising fast in recent years. Ten years ago, there were hardly any cars on the roads of Vietnam's largest cities. Nowadays, there are so many cars that the government's been forced to ban them from certain streets while trying to contain the expansion of Grab and traditional taxis.
Public buses in Vietnam are slowly being upgraded by the government. They are noticeably more uncomfortable than the open tour buses though. Good news is, the Vietnamese government is slowly upgrading the state buses on the public bus network. They are replacing the old buses with air-conditioned models, especially on the more popular routes.
However public buses are a good option for travellers in Vietnam. As the traffic & road conditions in Vietnam may be quite different from those back home, many travellers find it more convenient to use local transport.Safety is a thing as drivers are driving different as you used to! In general, it is easy if you have more time to get around Vietnam. In the larger cities, from the north to south, the transport offering is ample, whilst rural areas are also generally well served. To see as much of the country as possible, many tourists move around Vietnam, traveling from city to city in order to see the main attractions.
It isn’t surprising and uncommon to find yourself crammed among the luggage in these buses. The mentioned luggage could be anything from live pigs and ducks in baskets to sacks of rice. Vietnam can be crazy sometimes! Progress in the public buses can be agonizingly slow, as the buses will stop to pick up passengers or for a meal break on a frequent rate. Also, the breakdowns. They are fairly frequent among the older national bus models. Be prepared for that too, if you choose to ride on the public bus. The breakdowns can sometimes necessitate a wait on a roadside for several hours. Often, in these situations, the driver, fare collector, and mechanic roll up their sleeves, team up together and try to improvise a repair.
Regarding the tickets, it is best to buy them at the bus stations , where you can see the fares above the ticket windows. The ticket prices are usually also marked on the tickets as well. For longer journeys, make sure to buy your ticket a day in advance, since many routes are oversubscribed. That can save you from many headaches for sure! The best way to get around Vietnam depends on several factors. Key considerations when planning transportation include the length of the journey, whether traveling alone or as a group and luggage storage capabilities. That all shared, for longer journeys perhaps better to book the deluxe bus services are affordable, even for travelers on a shoestring,.
The disadvantages of using the public bus are that they tend to be old and most of the time without air conditioning. Expect them to be crowded and not allowing passengers to get on or off before pulling away. Drivers tend to slow down, almost to a stopping position for passengers to jump in and out quickly. Buses usually drive in the fast lane and swerve through the other lanes without any regard to other motorists.
Drivers are sometimes or most of the times reckless. In many cases, paying a little extra and travel by train is a better option. Sleeper buses are available on the long distance journeys. But don’t expect much space, especially for taller westerners. Expect those days with the new bus luxury sleeper bus services with a private cabin, depending on the bus company.
Minibuses can take you along some rural routes in Vietnam that aren’t covered by the public bus services. Those privately-owned minibuses compete with the public buses on most routes. They can be often seen sharing the local bus station or simply congregating on the roadside in the center of a town. That makes them really easy to flag down on the road! Part of the game,these minibuses tend to squeeze in even more people per square meter than the ordinary buses, so don’t expect too much on the comfort side. They will often drive interminably around towns, looking for more passengers to cram inside.
At least, the minibuses run throughout the day and serve some routes that are not covered by the public bus services. The minibus services are ticketless. Means that you will buy your “ticket” onboard the minibus. Before doing so, make sure to find out what the correct fare should be and agree on the price before boarding ( bargaining is a must! )
The funny thing is or lets say the downside on the minibus services is that you may find yourself ditched on the side of the road before reaching your destination. In case that happens, you will most likely have to cram onto the next passing service.
So, these are the main bus services you will encounter in Vietnam. Each of them have their pros and cons. Undoubtedly, the open-tour bus services are perhaps a better choice if you want the most value for your money on the budget though!
Well, if this is your cup of tea?
Enjoy! Train might perhaps for most of use yet the other form of public transportation in Vietnam that will give you an authentic experience of Vietnam in pleasures way, have fun!
"Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world”
Easy, Simply & Safe, we know that your vacation time is valuable and the more time you are relaxing in the sun, drinking out of a coconut, the better!
Friends Travel Vietnam offer affordable ticket services all around Vietnam. Home to over 100 million people, navigating your way around Vietnam can be overwhelming. Part of the fun visiting this beautiful country is the ability to travel from
city-to-city and explore all the hidden treasures Vietnam
has to offer.
When you book with us you avoid the hassle of finding the bus or train station, buying a ticket, waiting in extensive line ups, and riding in a crowded vehicle. Plus, you are able to convey specific details of your trip in advance whereas this could be challenging if you do not speak the local language. Friends Travel Vietnam accommodates all types of travelers and itineraries.
The method of getting around Vietnam can be challenging with so many option as, private transportations , airport transfers, car & motor rental, domestic flights, Easy Riders, train travel, mobile-app travel, taxi's, public transportations. tourist sleeper bus, limousine bus, helicopter, Charter Flights, boat & ferries. You see it all depends hugely on how long you are going to stay in Vietnam and how your travel plans will look like.
Friends Travel Vietnam has so many years of experiences and we learned, to make those best travel connections as they are very important in timely matters. Not wasting the travel time and having the utmost in enjoying your holiday best, to avoid having those interruptions of waiting to your next destination to travel. Feel free to contact us if you are struggling to plan your trip smoothly, our team of travel experts are happy to be of assistance for all your local domestic transportation options in Vietnam from every destination.
Here we will breakdown of all the transport options you can book with us Friends Travel Vietnam or book yourself for getting around Vietnam no matter how long you stay or how much you spend on your itinerary in Vietnam with detailed information about each type of transport methods in different destination in Vietnam.
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Friends Travel Vietnam has been inspiring travellers with curious-minded love & passion for Vietnam since 2013. With our on-the-ground-secret destinations & our network of human-human partners and our passionate knowledge team of our "Real Local Travel Experts" on the office and in the field you can book unique, authentic experiences with ease. We’ll take you off the beaten path in no time as all you wish! Let us us help you? We've done tons of homework & experiences just create the ultimate trip for you! Just simple, all as you wish!“
This is what we do! Making your holiday dreams in Vietnam coming true with us! Is the excursion, tour or trip of your choice not listed? No worries, our Team of local destination experts will be happy to assist you.
Van Meenen
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Friends Travel Vietnam
We don’t blame you! Just don't follow the crowd - find your own path in with us in Vietnam for your next holiday.