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Responsible Travel Policy

These are the words we live and do business by without them we won't be able to deliver exceptional service!

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Friends Travel Vietnam Responsible Travel Policy

Responsible travel is about the attitude you take and the choices you make when travelling – to respect and benefit the local people, their cultures, economies and the environment. While it’s up to all of us to be conscientious globetrotting individuals, Friends Travel Vietnam makes it easier by building responsible travel fundamentals into each and every one of our trips, excursions or tours. When you hit the road with us, you leave lighter footprints, invest your travel dollars in local communities, show respect and curiosity for different cultures and traditions, and experience genuine connections with the people you meet along the way.

Our style of travel involves:

  • Real life experiences which promote cross-cultural understanding.
  • Only guided by local guides & tour leaders.
  • Using public transport (where possible).
  • Staying in smaller-scale locally owned accommodation (where possible).
  • Buying locally produced food and drink, and purchasing souvenirs from local artisans.
  • Spreading the economic benefits of travel by purchasing from a range of local suppliers.
  • Minimizing plastic waste (where possible).
  • Careful management of limited energy and water resources.
  • Avoiding the exploitation of the vulnerable – including women, children, animals and endangered species.

Friends Travel Vietnam’s responsible travel policy

Our Responsible Travel Policy outlines our commitment to preserving the environment, supporting local communities, protecting the vulnerable and giving back to the places we travel. All our trip leaders & guides, suppliers and staff are trained on these principles, and are core to us delivering sustainable, experience-rich travel.

Explore the different parts of our Responsible Travel Policy by clicking on the headings below.

Friends Travel Vietnam’s top 11 responsible travel tips

  1. Before leaving home learn as much as possible about the countries you are visiting – the religion and culture, the local rules and values.
    Check our amazing blog posts for to discover more about Vietnam
  2. Learn some language and don’t be afraid to use it – simple pleasantries will help break the ice. Keep practicing.
  3. Learn what’s appropriate behavior and body language. Like the concept of ‘saving face” in Asia or giving the thumbs up in western or central Europe.
  4. Support only locally owned businesses, hotels, restaurants and other services in Vietnam. Eat local Vietnamese food and drink local brands and brews for sure you going to love this. Use public transport, hire a bike or walk where convenient – you'll meet local people and get to know the place.
  5. Think first. It’s best not to eat in restaurants, shop in stores or visit local shows, markets or zoos that promote cruelty or exploitation of endangered species.
  6. Shop from traditional artisans and for locally made products, helping keep traditional crafts alive and favor local products over imported items. Bargain if that is a local practice, but bear in mind that a small amount to you could be extremely important to the seller.
  7. Dress respectfully with an awareness of local standards. Dress modestly at religious sites and check what swim wear is suitable for pools and the beach.
  8. Always ask first before photographing or videoing people. Send them back copies of photos to help make it a two-way exchange.
  9. Be wary of giving gifts or money to beggars, children and people you have just met. Supporting the community through a local school, clinic or development project may be more constructive.
  10. Leave only footprints…take care of the environment as you would your own home. Take out all you take in, to areas away from the cities. Use alternatives to plastic and say ‘No’ to plastic bags. For cigarette butts, an empty film container makes a perfect portable container.
  11. After returning home think how you can support programs and organizations that are working to protect the welfare, culture and environment of where you’ve been lucky to visit.

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