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For traveling families, it’s all about spending quality time together. Away from the distractions of everyday life, devoid of high-school drama and pressures of work, it’s truly a golden opportunity to bond and become a tight-knit team.
Traveling with your whole family & children for the first time can be overwhelming and challenging, as we do speak out of experience with our 2 little ones (Sem & Levi) even we have years of experience to build the most amazing travel packages for everyone, but going with your own family is always challenging not matter how you have prepared. Even though it gets easier the more you do it, you’re going to run into a few challenges any time you travel with kids.
Travel can be an enlightening and eye-opening experience for children of all ages: there’s new foods, experiences and sights, not to mention quality family time. But traveling with children can also be an overwhelming proposition — unpredictable schedules, long packing lists and cranky kids are just a few of the challenges you may encounter along the way. But here we'll help you make traveling with kids a breeze. After all, you and your children should enjoy every moment seeing the world and create a lifetime of memories along the way. Isn’t that the point of travel in the first place?
Being prepared and knowing what you’re getting into are two of biggest things you can do to make family travel go smoothly, but there are lots of little things you can do to make your trip better too.
General Travel Tips
Travel Entertainment
Safety and Security
Flying With Kids
Traveling With Babies and Toddlers
At Your Destination
Hangry kids can take a fun family trip to miserable in a matter of minutes. I can’t emphasize this enough. Hunger can mean the difference between a happy family and cranky, hungry kids. Always have snacks available for your kids, also some moment to distract there attention!
You never know when the time between meals will get extended. It could be a delayed flight, unexpected traffic getting to your hotel, or a tour that takes a bit longer than you thought it would. The food in Vietnam quite different than what your kids usually eat. They may happily order lunch and then eat 2 bites of it because it wasn’t what they were expecting. An hour or two later on your afternoon museum visit, you’ll have a hungry kid to deal with.
It doesn’t hurt to have snacks for you and other adults traveling with you as well. Adults can get just as hangry as kids ca n.
Bottom Line:
Prepare the mind of the kids for the adventure of the interesting new food discovery by story telling or perhaps watching some local food videos on YouTube about Vietnamese Food ., it's fun also to do! Having a few small and easily transportable snacks with you at all times can keep everyone happy until you can refuel.
With Friends Travel Vietnam you don't have to be worried we always automatically apply our children discount policy, But during your traveling asking for child discounts can really save you a lot of money every time you travel. Some people have a tough time asking for discounts, but I promise, once you’ve done it a couple of times, it will be much easier and pays off! You want to travel without any hassle we have special Family packages in that way you can travel on the budget, please feel to contact us .
You’ll be shocked when you see how many places will give you a child discount when you’re traveling.
Ask for discounts on, transportation including buses and trains, private guides, tours, attraction entrance fees.
Sometimes you can find child pricing on the website of the company you’re dealing with, but just as often, there is no mention of a discount. Even when there’s nothing written, be sure to ask. A quick email ahead of time or a simple question when you’re buying tickets can save you as much as half of the cost when traveling.
Bottom Line:
You never know unless you ask. We’ve found that businesses are often willing to give us a discount for our kids when we are asked for it. If we hadn’t raised the question, we never would have known. It pains me to think of how much extra I’ve spent on trips when I didn’t think to ask for discounts for the kids.
If a child gets lost despite your best efforts, you’ll want them to have your contact information.
Your contact information should include the following items for all of the adults on your trip so you have multiple opportunities for help locating your child.
The easiest way is given them a mobile phone with a local Vietnamese Sim card, this is cheap &
affordable and comes stander with 4G network.
You text before going out t he following details are important to share with the kids:
For young children, the best way to share contact information is with a note in one of their pockets. If they don’t have pockets, tie a little card to their belt loop or stick it in their shoe. Don’t be afraid to get creative, but in any case, make sure your child knows where to find it.
Help older kids memorize your phone number and email address . If they need the local address where you are staying, write it down for them or have them put the information on their phones. We all know a teenager isn’t going to go very far without his or her phone.
One of the easiest ways to ruin a day of travel or possibly an entire trip is to have a sick family member. It can be even worse if the whole family gets sick. Whether your child has an upset stomach from the bumpy bus ride to your destination, or you find a new kind of tree pollen you’re allergic to, you want to be prepared to make the sick family member feel better as quickly as possible.
It’s always a good idea to take a few over-the-counter medications your family might need while traveling. Over-the-counter medications may include:
If anyone in your family is taking prescription medication, be sure to bring it along. Whenever possible, take your medications in their original packaging, especially prescription medications. If you can’t take the original package, take a copy of the prescription from your doctor so you can show exactly what your prescription is and why you have it for border crossings and if your luggage is searched.
Food poisson in Vietnam not to worry to much
In general I can share with you that Vietnam is great country to travel and has an amazing kitchen. We see less people getting an upset stomach or diarrhea problems of food or beverages. We really encourage to eat everywhere, the role we hold where it's busy by locals you will be fine! So let's run all the street food stalls!
When it's so hot, it's very inviting to drink cold beverages or ice cold water, please not by drinking a whole splash of ice drinks what might you think you cooling down your body. It's possible to get an upset stomach from it as it's just to cold for it and the stomach get upset! Be careful with drinking cold for the kids, as too much ice!
Water, ice, drinking water & tap
We don't advise you to drink from the tap, but bottle water to drinks is okay. Bottled water available everywhere and the served ice cubes in your glass at the restaurants and stalls you don't have to worry about as the all come from the factory as purified ice cubes, and if an local store produce themselves it's also no problem as every local Vietnamese will boil the water carefully.
Before your trip, check regulations for your destination and confirm you’re allowed to enter the country your medications without filling out additional paperwork or getting special permission.
Food Allergies can be quite serious and you definitely don’t want to have a problem with them when traveling. If you or someone in your family has an allergy, make sure you are ready to explain it while on your trip so you can avoid an unnecessary allergic reaction.
If anyone in your family has special needs, be prepared to talk about them while you’re traveling. Things you should be able to explain include allergies, special diets (vegan, vegetarian, soy-free, gluten-free, etc.), and special physical or mental needs. Special needs might be straightforward for you to talk about and explain at home, but can be tricky if you’re traveling to another country and don’t speak the local language.
Aside from learning the local language, the best thing you can do is use an online translation service to print out explanations of your family’s needs in your destination’s local language.
You can make cards in both English and the local language. With cards, it will be easy for you to hand the cards to hotel staff, your waiter at a restaurant, or anyone else who needs to understand your special situation. With clear explanations, you can ensure your family gets the treatment you need and no one has to experience the discomfort of trying to explain a problem with hand motions or funny faces.
Friends Travel Vietnam has designed a special Food Allergy Card in English &Vietnamese, those are free and downloadable on our website, see the link below and if you are in special need please feel free to contact us for any assistance.
Read here: Traveling with Food Allergies
If you are traveling to several countries with different languages, you may need a few sets of cards. Make a set for each language. Just don’t hand out the wrong cards in the wrong country. A card with 2 different languages a person doesn’t speak isn’t going to help much.
When traveling with your family to Vietnam you need to know if there are any additional paperwork items you need to cross borders with children.
For Vietnam passports & visa are all you need to travel, however traveling to Vietnam require you to carry each child’s a passport with visa.
Having the proper paperwork is especially crucial if you’re traveling without your child’s other parent or if you’re traveling with children who are not your own. In either of these cases, some countries may require that you have documentation to prove you have permission to travel with the child.
Required documentation include:
There’s a good chance you’ll never need to show the documentation mentioned above, even if it’s listed as required. I’ve traveled solo with my kids to countries that required specific parent permission forms from the other parent and never needed a copy of the form.
Important: Please note that an original birth certificate to prove that you are the child’s parents and have the right to leave or enter is not valid for Vietnam.
Don’t have your little one’s passport yet? Be sure you apply well in advance before your departing travel date.
Link: Check here the Visa requirements for Vietnam
Bottom Line:
It’s always best to be prepared. If you have any issues during your trip and need an identification form, you certainly want to have it ready to hand over.
When traveling to cities in Vietnam with paved streets and sidewalks, taking a stroller along for the trip is a great idea. In other locations where the surface isn’t as smooth as the country side or Sapa, a sling or backpack might be more appropriate for carting around younger kids.
Please note , in Vietnam almost everything happens on the street and paved streets are a little bit to enthusiastic to say. In Vietnam you not really going to find any real pedestrian street free to walk, it will be blocked by motorbike, loads & signs it's all about finding your path throughout the streets in the city as it is.
The debate between traveling with a stroller or a sling depends on your personal preferences and those of your baby, but here are a couple of guidelines to help you decide what to bring with you on your next trip. We advise the wheels need to be bigger as the surface of the street are not smooth here in Vietnam and we need to cross a lot of obstacles.
Think about the weather. If you are headed to North of Vietnam during the winter period, keeping your baby close in a sling may help keep both you and your child warm while you are outside. But if you’re traveling to a warm location, having your baby pressed up against you may lead to a sweaty, uncomfortable mess, so a stroller might be a better option or a cotton sling is also quite cooling.
Consider the ground surfaces at your destination in Vietnam and the activities you want to do. A tour in an old, historic town of Hanoi might be lovely, but pushing a stroller over cobbled streets can be challenging, that's way we advise a stroller with bigger wheels. A sling or backpack will be the best option for that type of trip, or one where you’ll do hiking at your destination. If you plan to stay in a major city where the streets and sidewalks are in good shape, a stroller can be a great way to move your baby around as you explore.
There is no correct answer for every type of trip. Take a look at your plans and your destination and pick what you think will work best, you can also take them both as a sling is not taking so much space..
Bottom Line:
Have the best of both worlds available by bringing a sling and a stroller on your next trip with a little one. Slings can be slipped in with your clothes and add almost no weight, and a travel stroller can fold down and be super light, too. If you take both, you can decide which is better to use on a day-to-day basis depending on your activity and the weather. My wife Thao and I found with traveling with a sling at the airport where we had the youngest one and Sem our son running around and traveling with luggage to most convent way as we had our hands free a bit more only with the security check at the airport it's always a hassle.
As your kids get older, they will probably want to have more of a say in what you do when you are on vacation in Vietnam. Let them!
Remember, this trip isn’t just for you. This trip is for your kids, too, and if there are things they’re interested in, you should make an extra effort to include them in your plans. Your children might not want to do a whole bunch of research about your destination, but if you give them some choices of places to see, they will often be happy to pick.
At Friends Travel Vietnam we use this technique to choose all sorts of activities via our website and our design your trip method to collect all valuable information about your way of traveling and personal interest. We advise to share your kids a list of 5 or 6 possibilities and tell them a bit about each one. Then they each get to pick a couple of the things they would most like to do.
With our digital itinerary (available on app & browser version what you can share with the family) where we build up your trip with us based on your personal interest and travel budget, it will have a great look and feel for the kids what is waiting them in advance.
The kids’ choices and your choices usually combine for a great trip during which everyone in the family gets a little bit of what’s perfect for them. Your children will be more invested in the trip and more excited about what you’re doing if they have a say in choosing the places you see. It’s a great way to get them involved in planning starting at an early age.
Pick a place to stay and stick with it for a couple of days time you are in that area. Even if you have help from hotel staff, you don’t want to be packing and unpacking every day on your trip. There is a tendency among those of us who maximize loyalty programs to stay at different hotels each night of a trip. There are many reasons for switching just as hotel brand promotions for rewards after a certain number of stays, limited award availability, or exploring the different hotels a city has to offer.
When you’re traveling with your family, do your best not to switch your lodging any more than you have to. If you’re going to a different part of the city or a different location altogether, obviously, you will have to change where you’re staying. However, if you’re staying in the same general area for your whole trip, you will be much happier if you stay at the same place for the entire time.
There’s a whole lot more to pack and unpack every time you move with kids. Kids are good at spreading their stuff around a hotel room, and you don’t want to be gathering everything up every day. You don’t want to have to bring your family back to the hotel every day to switch to a different place. Your time with your family is much better spent exploring your destination.
Finally, there is a certain level of comfort that your kids will develop with each place they stay. The longer they are there, the easier it will be to relax, fall asleep, or be content lounging in their favorite spot.
Special attention to build your trip with us with traveling with your family.
At Friends Travel Vietnam we known how to advise for your holiday and with our special designed build your own trip form we are able with our experience and your sharing about your family situation and personal interest to build up and design your trip as you wish in the slow pace you prefer traveling with kids In the years we became experts in this as we are parents also ourselves.
Greeting fellow family travel bloggers of the world if you where traveling in Vietnam with your family please feel free to contact us. We are happy to share your link above on our website. If you are fellow bloggers to collaborate with us on our blog we are looking for is guest contributors and if you wish I can also guest contribute on your blog!
At Friends Travel Vietnam we welcome travelers from all walks of life. Yet, we understand that each of you is unique.
As for this question, we can be every kind of traveller, there are many different types of travel lovers out there and not one way is right or wrong.
You can contact us very easy at any time if you have any questions. We would like to hear from you.
Everything you need to know about as your destination in the Northern of Vietnam
Everything you need to know about as your destination in the Central of Vietnam
Friends Travel Vietnam has been inspiring travellers with curious-minded love & passion for Vietnam since 2013. With our on-the-ground-secret destinations & our network of human-human partners and our passionate knowledge team of our "Real Local Travel Experts" on the office and in the field you can book unique, authentic experiences with ease. We’ll take you off the beaten path in no time as all you wish! Let us us help you? We've done tons of homework & experiences just create the ultimate trip for you! Just simple, all as you wish!“
This is what we do! Making your holiday dreams in Vietnam coming true with us! Is the excursion, tour or trip of your choice not listed? No worries, our Team of local destination experts will be happy to assist you.
Van Meenen
Owners & Founders
Friends Travel Vietnam
We don’t blame you! Just don't follow the crowd - find your own path in with us in Vietnam for your next holiday.