Friends Travel Vietnam neemt de gezondheid en veiligheid van haar reizigers serieus,
and takes every measure to ensure that trips are safe, fun and enjoyable for everyone
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Friends Travel Vietnam is the very best way to get up close and to get the greatest and unique experience about Vietnam in a way you’d never manage on your own. Being healthy during your travels and returning home healthy is important for everyone. Travelling to Asia can be exciting and a bit frightening at the same time. When you prepare for your trip in an appropriate way, you are ruling out most issues you might come across. Start planning your vaccinations in time, since some vaccines require more than one shot over the course of a few weeks. Make sure you prepare well for your trip, so that besides a cold and a dose of travellers’ diarrhea, you get back home in good health.
Travellers should seek professionaladvice in all cases to determine exactly what vaccinations or other medical precautions may be required for their travel within Vietnam.
Friends Travel Vietnam
takes the health and safety of its travellers seriously, and takes every measure to ensure that trips are safe, fun and enjoyable for everyone. We recommend that all travellers check with their government or national travel advisory organisation for the latest information before departure as advise per country me be different.
see list below
Think about vaccinations for Vietnam. There may be some certain health risks in Vietnam, similar to the other Asian countries. Examples include jaundice, typhoid, malaria and rabies. However, if you follow basic rules for good health, vaccinations for Vietnam do not seem too important. In recent years typhoid or malaria have not been recorded as a high risk in Vietnam. Particular vaccinations for traveling to Vietnam are not officially required by the authorities – it is not mandatory.
Welke vaccinaties kan ik overwegen voor een reis naar Vietnam? Als u naar afgelegen berggebieden en minderheidsdorpen gaat, denk dan aan een vaccinatie tegen geelzucht (Hep A/B) en hondsdolheid. Controleer ook of u vaccinaties tegen tetanus en tyfus hebt. De guesthouses of hotels van standaardkwaliteit zijn bijna altijd schoon. U zult veel zwerfhonden en andere dieren tegenkomen - wees kalm, ze zijn niet zo gevaarlijk als ze soms lijken.
Vietnam heeft moderne gezondheidszorg, maar alleen in de grote steden. Vietnam is de laatste jaren veranderd en gemoderniseerd. Het is geen probleem om moderne ziekenhuizen, klinieken en buitenlandse artsen te vinden in grote steden als Hanoi of Ho Chi Minh City. Maar de situatie is anders in de kleinere steden en dorpen in Noord-Vietnam, waar de gezondheidszorg beperkt is.
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